How to MIG weld exhaust pipe

Welding exhaust pipes together is a common practice. It is used to repair the exhaust pipe or add an extension. Welding these pipes is not hard, but you need to know how to weld them properly so that they do not leak while being hot after welding.

How to MIG weld exhaust pipe

To begin, you’ll need to ensure that the pipe is clean and dry. If you’re using a torch, make sure it’s ready for use by turning off its ignition and then checking that there aren’t any obstructions or dirt on its tip (you want this to be as clean as possible).

Next, cut your piece of exhaust pipe into two equal parts with a hacksaw (or another cutting tool). You can use a tapered cutter if available; otherwise, choose one that will work for your project. Cut them both at about 1/4 inch thick—the most common thickness for exhaust pipes—and then repeat this process until all four sides are cut out of each piece of material.

Now we’re ready to weld!

Clean the exhaust pipe.

Use a wire brush to clean the exhaust pipe. This is important because it will keep your welds from rusting and prevent them from becoming brittle. Depending on the size of your welding setup, you may need to use a few different types of brushes, but any kind that has bristles made out of metal will work just fine.

Use wire brushes to clean both sides of your welded exhaust pipe as well as the inside and outside of each end so that there are no clumps or areas left with residue after cleaning off all dirt or debris using an abrasive compound like sandpaper first before using any wire material;

otherwise, these residues can cause problems later down the road in terms of corrosion due to moisture trapped inside cavities along these same areas where corrosion could build up over time without anyone noticing until one day when suddenly they hear loud pops coming from under their car which then leads them straight into panic mode trying everything possible at once including calling 911 emergency services which may very well arrive too late anyway since most people forget about things like this happening until after someone gets hurt because everyone else thinks “Oh man… that’s bad!”

Cut the exhaust pipe.

  • First, cut the pipe with a hacksaw or cutoff wheel.
  • Then, use a plasma cutter to remove any welds that remain on the line after cutting it with a hacksaw or cutoff wheel (you can also use this method if you’re using an oxygen-arc welder).

Weld the exhaust pipe

  • If you need to check if your welding machine is capable of MIG welding, test it out on another piece of metal first.
  • Clean the exhaust pipe with a wire brush to remove any grime or dirt that might be present in the line, and make sure you’ve completely removed all grease from the surface before starting to weld it with your MIG welder (if applicable).
  • Next, select an appropriate wire gauge for your particular application—the thicker the wire gauge number, the higher resistance it will have against heat penetration; if possible, choose one without too much resistance for the best overall results when welding aluminum pipes together in tight spaces like this one!
  • Plug in your power source and turn on its heating element so that both sides get hot enough so they start melting together quickly but not too fast where they burn through before reaching their desired temperature level, which could cause damage later down the road if done incorrectly…or worse yet nothing happens at all because there wasn’t enough voltage running through those cables leading up into whatever device plugged directly into them.”

It is easy to weld exhaust pipes together.

Welding is a skill that can be learned and used to join metal together. The welding process involves heat and sparks, so you should wear eye protection when you are welding.

You can use the same basic techniques for welding exhaust pipes as any other metal type. In most cases, all required is two pieces of metal with an overlap where they meet (or overlap). You will heat these pieces until they glow red hot before applying more pressure than average on them using your hand-held torch or other means, such as an oxyacetylene rig setup inside your garage workshop area (you will need access from outside).

Once heated up enough so that both surfaces feel hot but not burning hot yet—this may take up to five minutes depending upon how much material needs to be removed from one side before being transferred over onto another side—you should start applying pressure directly onto each surface at once until both characters begin bonding together tightly together like clay does when molded into shape prior into being baked at high temperatures during the baking process after having been kept submerged underwater for several days prior doing so.” See also 8 Best Gasless Welders in 2022 – Top Picks, 7 Best Cheap Arc Welders – Top Picks & Guide


It won’t last very long if you have a low-quality exhaust pipe. If you want the best results when welding and protecting your exhaust pipe, you’ll need to invest in one of these beautiful welding kits made from high-quality materials.

This article gives tips on using a MIG welder properly so that it doesn’t damage your exhaust pipe or cause any other problems for you down the road! You must follow all instructions carefully when using these fixtures because they require special care while operating them safely on anything other than metal surfaces like wood or plastic due to their powerful electric arcs produced during operation, which could easily cause burns if not handled correctly.”

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2 thoughts on “How to MIG weld exhaust pipe”

    • The recommended shielding gas for MIG welding an exhaust pipe can depend on the type of material you are welding. For stainless steel exhaust pipe, a mixture of 98% Argon and 2% Oxygen (98/2 gas) is often used. For mild steel exhaust pipe, a mixture of 75% Argon and 25% Carbon Dioxide (C25 gas) is often used. These mixtures provide good coverage and help prevent contamination of the weld. It is important to use the appropriate gas for the specific material being welded.


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