Why won’t my MIG Welder Arc

A MIG welder will only arc if it’s connected to the correct voltage and current. If your MIG welder doesn’t arc, it could be an issue with the electrical connection.

If your MIG welder doesn’t arc, the electrical connection could be a problem.

If your MIG welder doesn’t arc, the electrical connection could be a problem.

  • Check the electrical connection: Use an ohmmeter to check for continuity between alligator clips at each end of your circuit. Usually, this will be about 10-15 amps in DC. If you don’t have an ohmmeter handy, try using another device like a voltmeter instead (but make sure it has an analog scale).
  • Check the ground clamp: Make sure that there is no dirt or debris on either side of this clamp where they meet; otherwise, you risk having a short circuit between them, causing damage to both ends of your cable and preventing proper operation of any device connected through them (your MIG welder included).

You should increase the voltage or current settings on your welder.

If you use a MIG welder with a foot pedal, try increasing the voltage by 10%. If this doesn’t work, increase it by another 10%. If that doesn’t solve your problem, try increasing it by another 5%. The last thing I would do is turn off Autoset and go back into Manual mode. You can manually adjust the speed of your welds by turning on/off Auto-Set (push-to-strike) and Auto-Tune (push-to-start).

A bad arc can be caused by wire speed settings that are too low.

The wire speed settings are the distance the wire moves per minute. Three types of wires are thin, medium, and thick. Each type requires a different location to reach the maximum temperature and current.

Thin wires produce less heat at a lower rate than thicker ones; therefore, they need to be heated more slowly if you want them to reach their peak temperature faster. Medium-diameter wire has an intermediate range between thin and thick cables; its ability to generate heat depends on how quickly you move it through your welder’s arc chamber (the part where electricity passes through your welding tip).

The last type of metal used in MIG welding is alloy steel; these alloys have several different grades, which can be mixed to create custom compositions based on customer requests or budget constraints.

Your electrode must be long enough to reach the workpiece and make contact.

You should check the length of your electrode by measuring it with a ruler or piece of string and checking that it’s at least 2″ longer than the distance between where you want to weld (in this case, on top of our box) and where you’re going to place it for there not be any gaps between them when they touch each other. If you’re using a Mig-welding wire bar (which uses smaller diameter electrodes), this measurement might vary depending on how far apart they are.

Still, suppose you’re using a regular welding rod with large electrodes like ours here at 6mm thick, which is more common in commercial applications like automotive repair shops where cars need constant repairs over time. In that case, their thickness will increase significantly lower what size gap would exist between them, so even though we’d recommend checking both ends before using one end as a reference point – especially since those thicker wires tend not to bounce around quite as much so could potentially cause some damage during use if not careful enough…

If your electrode tip is dirty, it can’t make good contact with the workpiece.

To clean it:

  • Use a wire brush to scrub off metal dust or residue around the tip. Then rinse thoroughly under running water until all traces of grime are gone (this will help prevent an arc).

Sometimes you need to move the gun or change its angle to get an arc started.

Sometimes, you may need to change the angle of the gun and move it closer to the workpiece. This is because mig welders use an arc to melt metal without dissolving it. An electric current passing creates the angle through two electrodes (the cathode and anode), which are in contact with your workpiece. As this happens, electrons from one electrode travel through space to strike another electrode at high speed (hence “arc”).

The process continues until either all or most of those electrons have been transferred from one electrode to another. At this point, they have completed their journey around their circuit and become stuck there forever!

The gas flow from your regulator may be too low.

If the gas flow from your regulator is too low, it will not arc. This can happen for several reasons:

  • The regulator may be faulty and need to be replaced
  • It may have been set to low pressure (there are different pressures for different models of welders)
  • Or it could be selected at a high enough setting that it’s not producing enough electricity


In the end, there are many reasons why your MIG welder won’t arc. However, most of them are easily remedied. If you’re still having trouble after trying all these things, then it’s time for a professional inspection from someone who knows what they’re doing! See also How To Start Welding – Learn How, How To Make Money Welding In Your Garage

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