How to choose a MIG welder

Mig welding is the most popular method of joining metals and is also the easiest. A MIG welder uses electricity to heat a wire that runs between two pieces of metal. When the wire heats up enough, it melts through its surrounding material like butter on a hot skillet—which is why this type of welding doesn’t require any protective equipment!

Decide what you need to weld.

Before choosing a MIG welder, you must first decide what metal you will be welding. This will help determine which machine is suitable for your needs.

  • What type of metal are you welding? For example, stainless steel, aluminum, or copper.
  • How thick will your welded piece be? If it’s thin enough that the inside edge can’t be viewed without a magnifying glass (such as an engine block), then this might not matter so much when choosing a MIG welder; but if not, then consider whether there might be any problems with burn through before deciding on one specific model.

Choose a power source.

You’ll need to choose between 110V and 220V, the two most common power sources for MIG welders.

110V is suitable for small jobs and can be used on several different kinds of equipment, but it may not be as versatile as you’re used to with your current welder. This type of power source will work best if all you want to do is weld metal together without worrying about welding something that requires more powerful equipment (like steel). However, if you want more versatility in your welding projects, then 220V MIG welders might be best for you!

If using an electric generator isn’t an option or if space constraints aren’t an issue, then buying a more significant generator would be worth considering because they’re generally cheaper than purchasing individual components such as cables and switches, etcetera.

Decide which shielding gas is suitable for you.

Now that you know what type of MIG welder to buy and how to use it, it’s time to choose the suitable shielding gas for your project.

There are four types of shielding gases: inert tungsten gas (TIG), mild steel, aluminum, and stainless steel. Each has its pros and cons when welding certain metals.

The first option is inert tungsten gas (TIG). TIG may be the best choice if you’re looking for a cleaner weld with less heat distortion than other gases like argon or CO2 because TIG doesn’t react with metal as carbon dioxide does—which can cause black spots on your workpiece during cooling down after welding operations such as brazing joints together with molten solder paste applied between them using an oxygen torch tool mounted onto a handle above both ends working simultaneously,

so they meet up exactly equally across their breadth lengthwise/lengthwise – cross-sectional area ratio, thus making sure there’ll be no leakages anywhere along line edges caused by uneven heating conditions due specifically because someone wasn’t paying attention enough before starting work on this particular project because otherwise wouldn’t have been able

Know your wire feed speed and voltage.

When choosing a MIG welder, the wire feed speed and voltage are important parameters. These settings determine how quickly you will be able to weld different materials. The lower the scenes, the slower you’re welding speed; however, this can also mean that your welds will need to be more robust and durable.

The higher your settings are set on both counts (wire feed speed and voltage), it will take longer to do each weld, but they’ll also last longer and be more resistant to heat damage caused by high-powered MIG machines. See also 8 Best Small MIG Welders – Top Picks & Guide, 5 Best MIG welder under $500 – Top Picks & Overview

Determine your duty cycle.

The duty cycle is the percentage of time a machine can run before it needs to cool down. The duty cycle is determined by the type of metal you are welding, the thickness of that metal, and the power output of your welder.

If you’re welding thin sheet metal or thin gauge wire, such as 12-gauge copper or 14-gauge aluminum (0.030″ thick), then your duty cycle will be pretty low—in most cases, less than 10%. For thicker pieces like stainless steel (1/8″ – 1/4″), however, this number can rise into the 30% range depending on circumstances.

Choosing the right combination of features will help you achieve the desired results from your MIG welder.

When choosing a MIG welder, you need to be careful about the features. You want to select a combination of features that will help you achieve your desired results from your MIG welder.

You also want to choose a combination of features that will help you achieve your desired results from your MIG welder. And lastly, it’s essential for us all, as consumers and workers alike, to know what kind of work needs doing so we can make informed decisions on which tools are best suited for our needs at any given time!


When choosing a MIG welder, it’s essential to consider the features that will enable you to achieve the desired results. Welding metal can be challenging, but it can be done with the right tools and training! We hope this article has given insight into what makes a good MIG welder.

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